Release Notes: Network Configuration Editor Device-Specific Information

This topic contains tables to identify network device-specific information that you will need when you install or start the IBM Network Configuration Editor.
Important:Before proceeding, see the README file for the latest information about any changes to installation procedures.

The Network Configuration Editor supports the IBM 8371 Networking Multilayer Protocol Switch Release 2.0 on multiple platforms.

Table 1 lists AIX platform-specific information. The aixname column identifies the name of the self-extracting install file you need to download from the IBM Networking home page if you want to use the program on the AIX platform. After downloading it, follow the AIX installation instructions in "Chapter 1. Obtaining and Installing the Program" of the Network Configuration Editor User's Guide.

When you are ready to start the program, change to the directory shown in the aixpath column of the table and follow the AIX instructions in "Chapter 2. Starting the Program" of the Network Configuration Editor User's Guide.

Table 1. AIX Product Information
aixname aixpath
ibmnce20.lpp /usr/lpp/ibmnce

Table 2 lists Windows platform-specific information. The winname column identifies the name of the self-extracting install file you need to download from the IBM Networking home page if you want to use the program on the Windows platform. After downloading it, follow the Windows installation instructions in "Chapter 1. Obtaining and Installing the Program" of the Network Configuration Editor User's Guide.

When you are ready to start the program, the winfolder and winprogram columns of the table identify the location and name of the executable file to use. Follow the Windows instructions in "Chapter 2. Starting the Program" of the Network Configuration Editor User's Guide.

Table 2. Windows Product Information
winname winfolder winprogram
ibmnce20.exe IBMNCE IBMNCE

Table 3 lists OS/2 platform-specific information. The os2name column identifies the name of the self-extracting install file you need to download from the IBM Networking home page if you want to use the program on the OS/2 platform. After downloading it, follow the OS/2 installation instructions in "Chapter 1. Obtaining and Installing the Program" of the Network Configuration Editor User's Guide.

When you are ready to start the program, the os2folder and os2program columns of the table identify the location and name of the executable file to use. Follow the OS/2 instructions in "Chapter 2. Starting the Program" of the Network Configuration Editor User's Guide.

Table 3. OS/2 Product Information
os2name os2folder os2program
ibmnce20.cmd IBMNCE IBMNCE